Your message thread with this person will appear in a circle at the top. Open the Messages app > Swipe left to right on message thread of the person you want to pin to the top of your messages > Tap the yellow pin button. Pin your most popular messages to the top This trick also works to get you back to your most recent message threads if you have scrolled down. Open the Messages app > Tap on the message thread of the person you want to see the first iMessage sent from > Tap on the time stamp at the top of your display and you'll be taken to the first message.
#How to turn off imessage on mac from iphone how to
How to jump to the first message on iMessage Open the Messages app > Tap on the message thread of the person you want to turn read receipts off for > Tap on the contact name at the top of the message thread > Scroll down and toggle off 'Send Read Receipts'. How to turn off read receipts for a particular contact on iMessage You message will appear with the original message above it. Open the Messages app > Open the mesage thread of the person with the message you want to specifically reply to > Press and hold on the message you want to specifically reply to > Tap on Reply > Enter your message > Press send. Our top seven best iMessage tricks How to reply to a particular message Here are our best tips and tricks to help you get the most out of iMessages and its platform. Messages can be used across multiple devices, syncing between them all when signed into the same Apple ID. However, it will work on any other Apple device you have.(Pocket-lint) - Messages is Apple's messaging app available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Mac, but it isn't just for SMS messages and iMessages, there are a multitude of features within the app. Once you turn off iMessage on Mac, you can not send or receive iMessages. If you wish to leave iMessage altogether, see how to deregister it. To sync iMessage with your Mac, go to the Messages app → click Messages from the top menu bar → choose Preferences → click iMessage → uncheck ‘Enable this account’ or click ‘Sign Out.’ How do I stop iMessages syncing with my Mac? Open Messages App on Mac → From the top menu bar, click Messages → choose Preferences → click iMessages tab → mark the checkbox of Enable Messages in iCloud. How do I enable Messages in iCloud on Mac? Next, sign in with the Apple ID you wish to use your iMessage account from. Sign out of your existing Apple ID by going to the macOS Messages app → click Messages and choose Preferences → iMessage → click Sign Out and confirm to stop using it. How do I change my iMessage account on Mac? You can sign in using your Apple ID to use iMessage on Mac or iPad. Unlike WhatsApp, iMessage does not require your phone to work on other devices like Mac or iPad. Can you use iMessage on Mac without iPhone? Go to the Messages app Preferences → iMessage → uncheck the phone number from under ‘You can be reached for messages at.’ Q. How do I remove a phone number from iMessage on Mac? But why take this route when you have a comparatively more straightforward option! FAQs on iMessage Q. You may also remove your Mac entirely from your Apple ID, which will sign out iMessage as well.

This is the best way to log out of iMessage on your Mac. Note: If some individual or group is bombarding with notifications, you may also mute or block them.

Keep scrolling for a step-by-step tutorial. If you fall into the latter category, it is simple to sign out of iMessage on Mac. However, for some, the constant notifications can be a distraction or privacy invasion. The iMessage feature provides a seamless experience on Mac, letting you view and send messages while working.